DENBA, Japan's freshness preservation technology. This new healthcare product applies food freshness preservation technology to healthcare and is widely used by top athletes and the medical field.

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DENBA Healthcare

DENBA Healthcare

Applying moisture molecule vibration technology to the body.
Significantly improving sleep quality and enhancing daily life

Originally, "DENBA" was developed to extend the freshness of food. It is a groundbreaking patented technology that prevents oxidation, which causes discoloration and spoilage of food, and keeps the freshness of meat and vegetables longer than ever before. "DENBA Health" applies and utilizes this technology of "preventing spoilage" and "maintaining freshness" to the body.

Continuous activation of water molecules just by sleeping

It is common to aim for improvement by taking medicine or supplements from outside the body when there is some kind of ailment.
DENBA, on the other hand, is a completely new technology that supports and enhances the natural power that the weakened body inherently possesses.

Can DENBA be used to improve body constitution?

The importance of keeping the body's water fresh

About half of the human body is made up of water (50-60% in adults). These water molecules gradually oxidize as we breathe and take in oxygen, leading to health problems. This is why it is recommended to "create a body that does not rust." The DENBA patented technology leads to improvement by simply being in the space, activating the water molecules and reducing oxidation.

Activating internal water molecules just by being in the space

DENBA energy spreads throughout the space

Electricity is emitted from one pole to the surrounding space, creating a large dome-shaped electric potential space centered on the mat.

Provide a wavelength of a frequency that matches the wavelength of water molecules → Vibrate the entire molecular cell → Heat energy is generated by vibrating the cells → Electrons fill the space and bond with oxygen before oxygen atoms bond oxidatively with molecules or cells in the space → Activate and regulate water molecules throughout the body to suppress oxidation

Just placing one mat in the space activates the water molecules in the entire space, supporting recovery from fatigue and improving physical condition even if you are away from the mat.

This technology is currently being researched in collaboration with laboratories at the University of Tokyo, Keio University, and the University of Tsukuba.

Joint research with various universities and research institutions

Infertility treatment image

University of Tokyo

Effects of weak electric fields on brain and autonomic nervous system activity

Infertility treatment image

Keio University

Freezing and thawing of human iPS cell-derived cardiomyocytes

Infertility treatment image

University of Tsukuba

Cognitive function and motor function in the elderly / Human gene expression (human genome)

Infertility treatment image

Azabu University

Verification of stress reduction in pigs

Difference from other products

DENBA is not an "electrotherapy device" that directly radiates electricity to the body.

Normally, what is called a "high potential therapy device" has two or more "poles" of plus and minus inside the machine, and it is a mechanism that treats the affected area by concentrating the effects of electrons moving between them. In other words, it directly applies potential to the body.

However, "DENBA Health" releases electricity from only one pole to the surrounding natural space using a uniquely developed technology (patented). In addition to the power of potential, it generates a uniquely developed frequency that vibrates the water molecules in the space, creating a large dome-shaped potential space centered on the mat.


Technology born from food freshness preservation technology

Vegetables, meat, fish, and other food ingredients are also alive. The principle of extending freshness is the same, and food in the DENBA space lasts longer and stays fresher. DENBA Health was created by applying the same principle.


For everyone from babies to the elderly, and even pets

DENBA Health uses unique low frequencies to influence the body. It can be used by newborns to the elderly without worrying about time, and can also be used for pets.


Easy to install and use unconsciously

You don't have to go anywhere. There's no hassle of attaching anything. Just place the mat wherever you like, so anyone can use it unconsciously for a long time.


State-of-the-art technology recognized by prestigious universities

It is being researched in collaboration with various universities and medical institutions, such as the University of Tokyo and Keio University. Surprising data are being collected. Press release on joint research with the University of Tokyo


Activates inherent power

DENBA does not involve external intake like supplements, but rather helps to draw out the power we inherently possess from within. Vibrating the cells of the body holds various possibilities.

DENBA is chosen by many people due to its various differences from other products.
To date, over 30,000 units of DENBA Health products have been sold.

Easy to install design for everyone

DENBA Healthcare products are mat types that can be laid on beds or sofas. They are easy to install, and by simply connecting the main unit and the mat with a cable, it generates potential in the space and approaches the water molecules in the body. With the power of electricity that vibrates the water molecules, it activates from the cellular level inside the body.

Towards a clear body without stagnation... This is DENBA's "moisture activation technology".

Understanding the safety of DENBA

DENBA uses ultra-weak electricity (electromagnetic waves) to finely vibrate the water molecules in the body.
If it contains moisture, the fine vibrations emitted by DENBA activate the water molecules and make them livelier for longer periods.
However, many people have a negative image of electromagnetic waves and may feel anxious about them.
By understanding "what is electromagnetic wave?" you can understand the safety of DENBA.

Convincing Points

About the frequency of electromagnetic waves

The frequency of electromagnetic waves is the number of times the wave oscillates per second (number of waves). It is expressed in Hertz (Hz). For example, if the wave repeats 10 times per second, it is 10Hz.

DENBA uses the ultra-low frequency band of 50 to 60Hz.

The effect on humans differs greatly depending on the frequency.

Visible "colors" are also electromagnetic waves

Looking at the image of the types of electromagnetic waves above, the ultra-low frequency band is around 60Hz, and as the frequency increases, it becomes radio waves. Radio waves, such as those for radio, television, microwave ovens, and mobile phones, are indispensable in our lives. As the frequency increases further, it becomes the infrared band. Hearing "infrared" may give a positive impression of being good for the body. In fact, infrared is also a type of electromagnetic wave. The colors of the rainbow transition from red to violet in seven colors, and infrared is the color outside of red. From there, it becomes visible light, and all the colors we see are electromagnetic waves.

When it goes beyond violet, it becomes the ultraviolet band, and many people have a negative image of ultraviolet rays as harmful to the body. Indeed, with such high frequencies (789THz: 789,000,000,000,000Hz), it is said to affect the skin and body. With even higher frequencies, like X-rays and gamma rays, you can imagine they are dangerous enough to damage cells. On the other hand, with weaker frequencies, it is said that there is no effect on the body because it passes through. Even though they are all electromagnetic waves, understanding that they differ in their effects on the body depending on the frequency band, is essential.

DENBA's frequency is comfortable for the body

The frequency emitted by DENBA is an ultra-low frequency electromagnetic field of 50-60Hz, which does not emit electromagnetic waves that affect the human body and is much lower than the frequency of microwave ovens and mobile phones.
The voltage is not high at all, and the output current is about 0.02A, which is a very weak current, so high voltage can increase the risk of electric shock, but DENBA's low voltage is safe for the elderly, children, and pets. The technology was originally developed for "preserving the freshness of food" which can be safely consumed by humans. From this technology's application, it aims to prevent oxidation and create a healthy body, so it can be safely used for body care as well.

Effective approach of DENBA to the body

Using DENBA does not make you a superman. For example, if the inherent power of a human is 100%, using DENBA does not make it 120%. Rather, if you are at 70-80%, it is believed to help bring you closer to 100%.

Various effects of using DENBA have been observed, and it has already been introduced in various fields and industries.

Fields where DENBA is active and research is progressing

Sleep quality image

Sleep quality

The most common feedback from using DENBA is that sleep quality has improved. The APA Hotel's Good Sleep Plan is also popular. APA HOTEL website

Fatigue recovery image

Fatigue recovery

Fatigue recovery is the most important for athletes. More than 50 cyclists in the keirin racing world have felt the effects of DENBA and use it regularly.

Injury healing power

Injury healing power

The recovery effect is tremendous, and athletes have reported an improvement in the healing power of their injuries.

Infertility treatment image

Infertility treatmentJoint Research

Proven to improve pregnancy and delivery rates (live birth rates) in in vitro fertilization embryo transfer and frozen embryo transfer. Press release

iPS cells image

iPS CellsJoint Research

When water molecules freeze, they expand and damage cells, but DENBA has proven to be very effective in the freezing of iPS cells. Research is ongoing. Press release

Pet health maintenance

Pet health maintenanceJoint Research

Proven effective in promoting the growth and healing of pets, research is ongoing to support pet health maintenance. Press release

Stress relief image

Stress reliefJoint Research

Joint research with Azabu University and DENBA is underway, proving to be effective in reducing stress in pigs.

Impact on the autonomic nervous system image

Impact on the autonomic nervous systemJoint Research

Staying in the DENBA space has been confirmed to increase the activity of the autonomic nervous system (both sympathetic and parasympathetic). Press release

Cognitive function image

Cognitive function / motor functionJoint Research

Joint research on cognitive function/motor function in the elderly and human gene expression (human genome) is progressing, with various data emerging. Press release

Various professional athletes also use it

Cyclist image


There is a need to recover from fatigue as quickly as possible for the next race, and DENBA is playing a significant role. Currently, over 50 cyclists use DENBA regularly.

Professional baseball player image

Professional baseball player

They use DENBA after daily practice. They have reported a noticeable difference in fatigue and muscle tightness compared to before.

Soccer player image

Professional soccer player

Given the sport's physical contact and high injury rate, DENBA is used to enhance injury healing.

Gymnast image


Former national team members also use it for fatigue recovery and body conditioning.

Sumo wrestler image

Sumo wrestler

Given the high rate of physical contact and injuries, DENBA is used for fatigue recovery.

A healthy body has a smooth flow of bioelectric currents, with active metabolism between cells. When this flow is not smooth, the body becomes unstable. DENBA Health addresses this by regulating the flow and approaching each cell.

DENBA Healthcare has received positive feedback from users, such as "my ailments have improved," "I can sleep soundly (non-REM sleep)," and "menopausal fatigue has eased." Thanks to its supportive power, many professional athletes, including cyclists and gymnasts, use DENBA to maintain their condition, and it is trusted enough to be introduced in sumo stables for training rooms.

User Testimonials (YouTube)

DENBA's trust and track record


DENBA+ introduced as a food freshness preservation technology

In 2013, DENBA began developing the "DENBA+," an electric field device for food freshness preservation, and the "DENBA FRYER," an auxiliary device for frying. In 2015, it obtained a Japanese patent for the freshness preservation device using spatial potential (No. 5683032). The following year, it acquired patents in China and, in 2017, signed a joint research contract with the Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences Processing Institute. It acquired patents in Taiwan (No. I568395), Chinese trademark registration (No. 17583663), Korean patent (No. 10-1759099), and US patent (No. 9681677). It was also certified by the World Record Association as the refrigerator that preserves freshness the best in the world, leading the field of food freshness preservation technology.


Introduction of DENBA Health products

Utilizing the technology for food freshness preservation, DENBA began selling "DENBA HEALTH Standard Type" and "DENBA HEALTH High Grade Type" in 2018. In 2021, DENBA Medical obtained medical device certification. DENBA JAPAN started joint research with the University of Tokyo and Itochu Corporation. The following year, the University of Tokyo proved for the first time in the world that DENBA technology enhances autonomic nervous system activity. Since then, the new plan "Good Sleep Plan" using "DENBA Health" has been introduced by APA Hotel and has been widely used in many companies and households.


Continued development of DENBA

Comparison of DENBA Health Products

DENBA Charge for home use | Freshness preservation technology by DENBA

DENBA Charge

Ideal for one person

price ASK
Shipping included worldwide

Simultaneous Mat Connection

1 mat



Main Unit Weight


DENBA Standard, a healthcare product that can connect two mats simultaneously | Freshness preservation technology by DENBA

DENBA Health Standard

Can be used by two people together
Simultaneous connection of two mats

Shipping included worldwide

Simultaneous Mat Connection

1-2 mats



Main Unit Weight


DENBA High Grade, a healthcare product that can connect two mats simultaneously | Freshness preservation technology by DENBA

DENBA Health High Grade

Ideal for athletes.
For those who need immediate effects.

Shipping included worldwide

Simultaneous Mat Connection

1-3 mats



Main Unit Weight


For anything about DENBA, contact us, the primary retailer

Our company has been a long-established distributor working with DENBA since before it was well-known. In 2020, we signed a special contract with DENBA and have been operating as a manufacturer of DENBA until 2023.
We quickly fell in love with DENBA technology, and we are proud to be one of the top distributors in the nation in terms of love, knowledge, experience, and achievements regarding DENBA.
We believe that having a DENBA Health product in every home will lead to a more secure life, and we will continue to work towards that realization.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about DENBA.

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