DENBA, Japan's freshness preservation technology. This new healthcare product applies food freshness preservation technology to healthcare and is widely used by top athletes and the medical field.

Official Primary Retailer of DENBA > User Testimonials

User Testimonials


S.U 40s Male


Level of satisfaction


The way I feel tired is completely different. I was surprised by how much less muscle tension I experienced.

This is a testimonial from a former professional baseball player who was also selected for the Japan national team.

With about 20 years of career experience, the player knows his body well, including “how much running causes fatigue” and “how muscles feel and the pain level.”

After explaining the DENBA technology, we had him try using it.

Later, we asked him about any changes he noticed after using DENBA. He reported that the muscle fatigue and tension he experienced were significantly different from what he expected. His personal massage therapist also noted that the muscle tension was noticeably different during post-practice massages. The player himself was surprised by the differences in fatigue and muscle tension after practice compared to before.

As he wasn’t using any other devices, he attributed these changes to DENBA and recognized its benefits.

Additionally, he mentioned that his recovery from fatigue seemed faster than before using DENBA.

Products used


DENBA H High grade  Product detail

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J.H 60s Male


Level of satisfaction


I always want to take it with me on business trips! Now, my spouse and I both use it regularly.

I use it while sleeping, and I clearly feel the benefits for back tension and shoulder stiffness. When I can’t use DENBA on business trips, my shoulder stiffness noticeably worsens. Since it worked well for me, I bought one for my wife, and her skin condition has visibly improved. However, she is more sensitive than I am and can only sleep with a smaller mat, as she feels the electricity otherwise. It’s not cheap, but I especially recommend it for women. I believe you’ll notice the effects if you use it continuously for a week.

Products used


DENBA H Standard  Default


T.T 60s Male

Level of satisfaction


I feel as if my body is as light as it was when I was a child.

With the spread of COVID-19 and concerns about vaccine side effects, I feel uneasy about the current state of society.

Determined to take action beyond relying on TV information, I started gathering information on my own. I came across DENBA multiple times on a blog that frequently posts various information and decided to look into it.

Since the blog was one I trusted, I contacted them, received thorough explanations on any uncertainties, and decided to make a purchase. When the product arrived, I started using it immediately and noticed that despite working my body harder than usual, I didn’t experience muscle pain and felt “as light as I did when I was a child!” My 8-year-old grandchild also seems to feel something from it, and now loves sitting on the DENBA mat on the sofa.

It’s a long-lasting product, so I believe I made a good purchase. I’m very satisfied.

Products used

Denba Charge

DENBA Charge  Product detail


T.N 60s Male


Level of satisfaction


I’ve had lower back pain for 20 years, but I noticed a significant difference in the pain when I wake up in the morning.

I work in agriculture, and as I get older, I find that fatigue often lingers until the next day. Working in the same posture for hours makes it difficult for my body to recover from the fatigue.

A friend in the same profession recommended DENBA to me, and I decided to purchase it in hopes of alleviating some of the fatigue.

The first thing I noticed after using it was an improvement in sleep quality! I wake up feeling very refreshed in the morning. Although it’s not completely gone, I feel that my overall fatigue has been reduced.

Products used

Denba Charge

DENBA Charge  Product detail