DENBA, Japan's freshness preservation technology. This new healthcare product applies food freshness preservation technology to healthcare and is widely used by top athletes and the medical field.

Official Primary Retailer of DENBA > products > DENBA Fryer



Price $ 350,000 USD *Shipping included worldwide

Payment method:

  • 現金
  • クレジットカード
  • リース
  • ビジネスクレジット
Demo rental available

※Demo rental is available for up to one month. Please contact us for more details.

Features of DENBA Fryer


Fat Reduction Experiment Video (Created by us)
DENBA Fryer Installation Method (Created by us)

Recommended for


  • Recommended 取り付けるだけで油コストが40%〜最大70%削減に繋がります
  • Recommended 油と水を分離させることでサクサク感が長持ちしテイクアウト後でも美味しさ長持ち
  • Recommended 調理場の油煙や油臭が改善!油ギッた職場の環境が改善されます

User Reviews of DENBA

※These are actual reviews from customers who purchased from us.

Learn More About DENBA Health

What is DENBA Healthcare?

User Demographics

  • 唐揚げ屋
  • 串カツ屋
  • 惣菜や
  • お弁当屋
  • お弁当工場
  • とんかつ屋
  • Others

Inquire about products

If you have any questions about DENBA products, please feel free to contact us. Our professional staff with over 6 years of experience in handling DENBA will guide you thoroughly.

Contact Us

DENBA's technology, used worldwide, is significantly changing the global cold chain.

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