DENBA, Japan's freshness preservation technology. This new healthcare product applies food freshness preservation technology to healthcare and is widely used by top athletes and the medical field.

Official Primary Retailer of DENBA > User Testimonials

User Testimonials


Y.S 40s Male


Level of satisfaction


I stayed at the APA Hotel’s DENBA plan and was impressed. The next morning, I noticed a significant improvement in how I felt after drinking.

I learned about the Good Sleep Plan offered by APA Hotel online and first experienced DENBA during my stay. That evening, I had a dinner party and drank quite a bit, so I was prepared for a severe hangover the next morning. However, when I woke up, I felt much better than usual, with a significantly lighter hangover.

At that time, I thought it might just be because I was in better health than usual. However, due to my job, I frequently attend dinner parties, making it impossible to avoid hangovers. I remembered that my hangovers were less severe on the days I stayed at APA Hotel. Since then, I have used the Good Sleep Plan several times during business trips.

I noticed a significant difference in how I felt after drinking when I stayed at APA Hotel compared to when I didn’t. After further investigation, I concluded that improved sleep quality and recovery from fatigue might contribute to feeling better after drinking. This led me to this website, and I decided to inquire about it.

I called to ask about the three different types of products available. I was informed that the differences lie in the number of mats that can be used simultaneously and the voltage, affecting the speed of the effect. Typically, I would expect the most expensive product to be recommended for the best results, but the representative asked about my specific needs and environment. As I would be using it alone, I decided to purchase the DENBA Charge, the most affordable option. One reason for my quick decision was that it was the cheapest among the three products. If two people use it in separate beds, the mid-priced DENBA Standard seems to be a good option.

Since I had already used it several times at APA Hotel before purchasing, I felt confident in my decision. However, there is a trial option available for those considering it, and I highly recommend taking advantage of it, as it is not a cheap purchase.

Products used

Denba Charge

DENBA Charge  Product detail

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Y.T 70s Female


Level of satisfaction


I started using it based on a recommendation from someone I trust.

As an elderly person, I have always been conscious of my health. I don’t exercise much, but I try to buy products with few additives and eat a healthy diet with plenty of vegetables.

A health-conscious friend introduced me to DENBA. Although I received a simple explanation, I didn’t fully understand it, so I called the contact number. Despite not knowing exactly what to ask, the representative kindly explained everything to me, and I was impressed with the DENBA product, so I decided to purchase it.

Friends had mentioned that it improves sleep quality, and I was surprised to find that I sometimes sleep through the night without waking up. It seems that the technology works by vibrating the water molecules in the body, helping to balance my internal condition, and I definitely feel that way.

I gave the product I bought to my sister as a gift and purchased another one for myself.

I have called the company several times since my purchase, and each time they have been very kind and helpful. I am very grateful for their support.

This is a very good product, and I highly recommend it to other elderly people.

Products used

Denba Charge

DENBA Charge  Product detail


E.Y 50s Female


Level of satisfaction


I had been taking medication for nasal inflammation, but since I started using DENBA, it no longer bothers me.

I purchased it for myself. I had been suffering from nasal inflammation for a long time and was living on medication prescribed by the hospital. Blowing my nose frequently was a significant source of stress.

A friend recommended DENBA to me, and since there was a two-week trial available, I requested it immediately. After using it for about three days, my nasal discomfort disappeared, though I wasn’t sure if it was a coincidence. After the trial period ended and I returned the product, the nasal discomfort returned three to four days later.

This convinced me that the effect was indeed due to DENBA, and I decided to purchase it. I was surprised by this result.

The representative was very kind and explained everything over the phone, so I was able to purchase it with peace of mind.

Although it’s not a cheap product and not something you can buy casually, the fact that it can be used effortlessly while sleeping makes it a great product.

Products used


DENBA H Standard  Default


T.N 60s Female


Level of satisfaction


You don’t need to do anything special. It is recommended because it can be continued effortlessly.

As I was thinking about our future life in retirement, I came across a YouTube video introducing DENBA, which piqued my interest.

I learned that this new technology is also used in food preservation and has various benefits for people. I called the phone number on this site to learn more about the technology.

Since it’s not a cheap product, I was hesitant to purchase it at first. However, knowing that APA Hotel offers a DENBA plan made me feel more confident, so I decided to make the purchase.

Since my husband and I wanted to use it together, we were recommended the DENBA Standard, which we purchased.

The fact that you don’t need to do anything special is highly recommended. You just use it while sleeping, making it easy to continue using it every day without thinking about it.

I want my husband, who enjoys drinking, to live a long and healthy life, so we plan to continue using it together to achieve a healthy and long life.

Products used

Denba Charge

DENBA Charge  Product detail


S.H 50s Male


Level of satisfaction


I was surprised by the difference in the residual muscle fatigue the next day.

I work in agriculture, and as I get older, I find that fatigue often lingers until the next day.

Working in the same posture for hours makes it difficult for my body to recover from the fatigue. A friend in the same profession recommended DENBA to me, and I decided to purchase it in hopes of alleviating some of the fatigue.

The first thing I noticed after using it was an improvement in sleep quality! I wake up feeling very refreshed in the morning.

Although it’s not completely gone, I feel that my overall fatigue has been reduced, and I am less prone to muscle soreness.

Products used

Denba Charge

DENBA Charge  Product detail


K.O 40s Male

practice range

Level of satisfaction


While searching for something to help with recovery, I unexpectedly discovered this hidden gem that provided a completely new perspective.

I am a professional sports coach.

Many of my athletes suffer from chronic injuries, so I was looking for a good product to help them. That’s when I learned about DENBA products and decided to purchase one for testing.

When the athletes started using it, I was surprised to see that they could push their limits further during training sessions. Typically, they had to be cautious about the intensity of their workouts, but with DENBA, they could increase their effort levels.

One possible reason for this improvement is the faster recovery from injuries and fatigue, which has led to enhanced athletic performance.

I can confidently say that DENBA is a recommended product for athlete body maintenance.

Products used

Denba Charge

DENBA Charge  Product detail


S.O 40s Male

Training gym

Level of satisfaction


It is a new technology that provides care for the entire body, from the surface to the inside.

Other physical therapy devices are often used for localized treatment (such as specific muscles or joints), but DENBA affects the entire body, playing a significant role in improving overall fatigue rather than just localized areas. Additionally, clients have reported that it also seems to be effective for localized issues. DENBA gives the impression of providing care from the surface to the inside, reaching areas that we can’t easily access, such as deeper muscles below the skin, even with massage.

Products used

Denba Charge

DENBA Charge  Product detail


S.I 40s Male

Treatment room

Level of satisfaction


It is well-suited for use with cosmetic acupuncture treatments.

We provide cosmetic acupuncture services, where we normally apply electric currents to the needles during the treatment.

After starting to use the DENBA mat, we have noticed that simply lying on the mat provides a comparable or even greater effect without needing to apply electric currents to the needles.

Products used


DENBA H Standard  Default


Y.S 30s Male


Level of satisfaction


As an athlete, it has become an essential part of my daily routine.

I saw a friend who is a professional keirin cyclist using DENBA and got introduced to the representative. I decided to try it out, and the very next day I felt the effects and immediately decided to purchase it.

Now, I use the DENBA mat regularly in my daily life, during keirin training, and at competitions.

Personally, I fall asleep easily and sleep deeply. I wake up feeling refreshed, and my fatigue levels have changed. I notice an improvement in my performance the next day.

Good products quickly become well-known in the keirin world, and DENBA has become popular in the keirin industry.


Products used


DENBA H High grade  Product detail


K.N 30s Male


Level of satisfaction


[Former Japan National Team Player] Noticed a significant increase in range of motion in a short period after an injury.

This is a testimonial from a professional soccer player who has been selected for the Japan National Team.

After undergoing shoulder surgery, the player used DENBA for rehabilitation purposes. They reported an increased range of motion in a short period. Additionally, it seems to be helping with daily fatigue recovery outside of rehabilitation.

Products used


DENBA H High grade  Product detail