DENBA, Japan's freshness preservation technology. This new healthcare product applies food freshness preservation technology to healthcare and is widely used by top athletes and the medical field.

Official Primary Retailer of DENBA > products > DENBA Health High grade
Can be connected simultaneously to 3 units

Healthcare products using water molecule micro-vibration technology

DENBA Health High grade

Price $ 6,500 USD *Shipping included worldwide

Payment method:

  • Credit Card

DENBA Technology

Joint Research Technology with the University of Tokyo
Joint Research Technology with Keio University
Product Introduced by APA Hotel
Presented at the Reproductive Medicine Society
Patent Acquired in 49 Countries Worldwide

Features of DENBA Health High grade

DENBA Health High grade is a home-use health potential mat designed to emit specific frequencies into the space, causing the water molecules in the body—comprising 70% of its content—to vibrate naturally and without strain. This continuous micro-vibration of water molecules helps to keep them active, supports oxidation inhibition, and aids in maintaining the body's freshness from within. The mat is suitable for creating a health-enhancing environment in the home, and it allows for the connection of three mat at a time.

Video production: Created by us
Video production: DENBA JAPAN

Recommended for


  • Recommended Can be connected simultaneously to 3 units
  • Recommended For Those Who Accumulate Fatigue Easily in Daily Life
  • Recommended For Those Who Are Not Getting Sufficient Sleep
  • Recommended For Those Experiencing Eye Strain and Muscle Stiffness from Long Hours of Desk Work
  • Recommended For Those Who Feel That Fatigue Persists Even After Waking Up
  • Recommended For Those Who Exercise or Move Frequently and Want to Recover from Fatigue Quickly
  • Recommended For Those Who Find Fatigue Accumulates More Easily with Age

Easy to use.
Just lay the DENBA mat!

Just lay the mat when you sleep and live your usual life.

  • Can be used continuously for 24 hours.
  • Even if used 24 hours every day, the monthly electricity bill is about 20 yen.
  • Wide target age range, from children to the elderly.

Because it is a weak potential space, you may feel electricity when using devices like mobile phones while charging.

User Reviews of DENBA

  • 50womanの画像

    Housewife E.Y 50s Female

    I had been taking medication for nasal inflammation, but since I started using DENBA, it no longer bothers me.

    I purchased it for myself. I had been suffering from nasal inflammatio... Read more

    Products in Use : DENBA H Standard

    Place of Use:Home

  • 30manの画像

    Professional soccer player K.N 30s Male

    [Former Japan National Team Player] Noticed a significant increase in range of motion in a short period after an injury.

    This is a testimonial from a professional soccer player who has been s... Read more

    Products in Use : DENBA H High grade

    Place of Use:Home

  • 40manの画像

    professional competition instructor K.O 40s Male

    While searching for something to help with recovery, I unexpectedly discovered this hidden gem that provided a completely new perspective.

    I am a professional sports coach. Many of my athletes suffer from c... Read more

    Products in Use : DENBA Charge

    Place of Use:practice range

  • 60manの画像

    Personal use J.H 60s Male

    I always want to take it with me on business trips! Now, my spouse and I both use it regularly.

    I use it while sleeping, and I clearly feel the benefits for back tens... Read more

    Products in Use : DENBA H Standard

    Place of Use:Home

  • 40manの画像

    Chairman Y.S 40s Male

    I stayed at the APA Hotel’s DENBA plan and was impressed. The next morning, I noticed a significant improvement in how I felt after drinking.

    I learned about the Good Sleep Plan offered by APA Hotel

    At that time, I thought it might just be because I was in better health than usual. However, due to my job, I frequently attend dinner parties, making it impossible to avoid hangovers. I remembered that my hangovers were less severe on the days I stayed at APA Hotel. Since then, I have used the Good Sleep Plan several times during business trips.

    I noticed a significant difference in how I felt after drinking when I stayed at APA Hotel compared to when I didn't. After further investigation, I concluded that improved sleep quality and recovery from fatigue might contribute to feeling better after drinking. This led me to this website, and I decided to inquire about it.

    I called to ask about the three different types of products available. I was informed that the differences lie in the number of mats that can be used simultaneously and the voltage, affecting the speed of the effect. Typically, I would expect the most expensive product to be recommended for the best results, but the representative asked about my specific needs and environment. As I would be using it alone, I decided to purchase the DENBA Charge, the most affordable option. One reason for my quick decision was that it was the cheapest among the three products. If two people use it in separate beds, the mid-priced DENBA Standard seems to be a good option.

    Since I had already used it several times at APA Hotel before purchasing, I felt confident in my decision. However, there is a trial option available for those considering it, and I highly recommend taking advantage of it, as it is not a cheap purchase.

    ... Read more

    Products in Use : DENBA Charge

    Place of Use:Home

  • 60manの画像

    農家 T.T 60s Male

    I feel as if my body is as light as it was when I was a child.

    With the spread of COVID-19 and concerns about vaccine side effects, I... Read more

    Products in Use : DENBA Charge

    Place of Use:

※These are actual reviews from customers who purchased from us.

Learn More About DENBA Health

What is DENBA Healthcare?

Frequently Asked QuestionsCommon to all DENBA Health products

What are the benefits of using DENBA?

DENBA is a new technology that finely vibrates water molecules in space to activate cells. It is used for health purposes such as daily fatigue prevention and rehabilitation. By vibrating the cells to generate thermal energy, various effects can be expected. We hope you can experience the effect of preventing oxidation.

Who uses DENBA?

DENBA is used by a wide range of people, from athletes and medical professionals to those with physical ailments. Recently, more people are using it for rehabilitation from injuries. As of 2021, more than 30,000 units have been sold.

What are the effects?

We have received various feedbacks from users. For example, the China National Health Commission Beijing Institute of Geriatrics reported a significant improvement in sleep disorders.

Are the effects immediate?

General potential therapy devices are mainly symptomatic treatments, giving strong stimulation to the surface. It is characterized by providing immediate sensation by stimulating the skin.
DENBA, unlike this symptomatic treatment, affects from the core to the outside of the body as a radical treatment, so it takes longer to feel the effects compared to symptomatic treatment, but the effects last longer as it treats from the inside. (Feeling sleepy during use means the body is in a relaxed state and the effect is occurring.)

Is it okay to buy used DENBA Health products?

Used DENBA Health products are not eligible for manufacturer warranty, whether paid or free. If you purchase a used product, you will need to buy a new DENBA product, which will end up being more expensive. Therefore, we strongly recommend purchasing from authorized dealers.

Is it safe?

DENBA Health products can be used by people of all ages, from babies to the elderly. It generates ultra-weak electromagnetic waves to activate cells. It has also acquired various certifications, so anyone can use it with peace of mind. ※However, we recommend avoiding use for pregnant women and people using pacemakers.

Is there proof that it preserves freshness?

In September 2020, we conducted a freshness comparison experiment by a third-party organization to investigate the proliferation of bacteria in food. As a result, significant suppression of bacterial growth was observed, and freshness was maintained even after a week.
For more details, please refer to the page About DENBA Technology.

Is there a time limit for using DENBA in a day?

There is no time limit for use. You can use it for long periods with confidence.

How do I care for the mat? Can it be washed in the washing machine?

To avoid wetting the connection parts, please lightly wipe it with water or soak and wash to remove dirt. Do not use a washing machine.

How much is the electricity cost?

The power consumption is 2W, so even if used for 24 hours, the monthly cost will be about 20 yen.

Can pets use it?

Pets can also use it. We also offer waterproof covers as an option to prevent dirt for pets.

What should I do if the main unit is damaged?

Please contact the inquiry desk. Please contact us through the inquiry form here.

Read More

User Demographics

  • For Home Use
  • Chiropractic Clinics
  • Orthopedic Clinics
  • Work Chairs
  • Athletes
  • Medical institution
  • Others

Comparison of DENBA Health Products

For home use DENBA Charge | DENBA Freshness Preservation Technology

DENBA Charge

Ideal for one person

price ASK
Shipping included worldwide

Simultaneous Mat Connection

1 mat



Main Unit Weight


DENBA Standard Healthcare Product with Two Mats Connection | DENBA Freshness Preservation Technology

DENBA Health Standard

Can be used by two people together
Simultaneous connection of two mats

Shipping included worldwide

Simultaneous Mat Connection

1-2 mats



Main Unit Weight


DENBA High-Grade Healthcare Product with Two Mats Connection | DENBA Freshness Preservation Technology

DENBA Health High Grade

Ideal for athletes.
For those who need immediate effects.

Shipping included worldwide

Simultaneous Mat Connection

1-3 mats



Main Unit Weight


This is the current page

Inquire about products

If you have any questions about DENBA products, please feel free to contact us. Our professional staff with over 6 years of experience in handling DENBA will guide you thoroughly.

Contact Us

DENBA's technology, used worldwide, is significantly changing the global cold chain.

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Inquiry Form

24 hours reception (we will respond within 2 business days)